Appointment #20 – Gearing up for a busy December

Went in for my most recent check-up yesterday.

Assistant handed me tray set 27 and went to review my plan so she could figure out how many more sets to give me.

Apparently I have more IPR coming up on my lower teeth with tray 31, so they ended up giving me just four sets total this time: 27-30.

Then I have TWO appointments for the IPR because they’re doing the two-step process again where I go in on one day to get spacers placed between the teeth that are being shaved, and then return the following day to have them removed and the IPR performed. I’ve never heard of this being done elsewhere, but this is what they did when I had IPR between trays 5 and 6, so I assume it will be much like that. It worked out fine then, so I’m not too anxious about it, though I was kind of hoping I was done with IPR. It’s not bad, just not my favorite thing. Oh well.

The assistant also said something about me getting two more attachments with tray 32. I knew I had more attachments coming up, but thought it was going to be way more than just two. The plan I saw back at the beginning had them on just about every tooth except the second molars in the very back. And as of now all 8 front incisors and one bicuspid are still naked. Maybe she miscounted? Or maybe they’re putting only adding two more at tray 32 with the rest of them later? Not sure.

Also… what a pain in the butt that IPR and additional attachments are one tray apart rather than coinciding. Sounds like I’ll be visiting the ortho’s office quite a bit in the month of December! Guess I’ll have to wait and see how it all plays out.

The new ortho (who is now brace-free herself!) came by to take a look before I left and said that everything seems to be tracking as it should. Good news for now.

I almost (almost) feel like the finish line is coming into sight, but obviously still have a few more hurdles to cross before I can see it clearly.

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